Badass Parenting

Badass Parenting: An Irreverent Guide to Raising Safe, Savvy, Confident Kids
Ever found yourself losing sleep over your child's safety? You're not alone. Delving into topics as daunting as sexual abuse, bullying, and kidnapping can easily lead you and your child into a dark place, evoking feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
While your instinct may be to shield your little one from every potential harm, doing so could inadvertently emotionally hinder them, rendering them more vulnerable to predators. Your child relies on you to impart the knowledge and tools they need to navigate and confront dangerous situations.
Rest assured, teaching your little chipmunk about body safety won't rob them of their innocence. In this often unforgiving world, your child is more aware than you might realize. Equipping them with an understanding of potential dangers and how to confront them head-on can be incredibly empowering.
In Badass Parenting: An Irreverent Guide to Raising Safe, Savvy, Confident Kids, I guide parents in teaching their children how to recognize, avoid, and manage threatening scenarios, including bullying, digital dangers, sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and kidnapping.
Upon finishing this book, you’ll feel more informed and confident in your ability to have open and honest conversations with your child, tailored to their age and maturity, without instilling unnecessary fear. It's time to bid farewell to the sleepless nights filled with worry and reclaim your peace of mind.
Bringing an edgy, humorous, and irreverent approach, this book (accompanied by a wealth of downloadable bonus content) is the ultimate guide for parents seeking to raise secure, knowledgeable, and self-assured children.