Welcome to my blog! I talk about everything from body safety and consent to setting boundaries like a badass and the dangers of the world wide web. If you’re looking for answers, I’ve got them!

Video Blog
Written Blog
Unleashing Your Kid’s Inner ‘Taz’
Showing your child how to fight like a rabid Tasmanian Devil can literally save her life if someone tries to pick her up or touch her inappropriately
How to Teach Your Child about Body Safety Issues
There are tons of great, fun, easy ways to incorporate body safety topics into your everyday conversations with your child.
The #1 Most Important Skill Your Child Needs
Your child’s intuition is her first line of defense against danger and predatory people. And more than that, listening to her intuition will help her be more confident and increase her self-esteem, giving her a strong internal sense of self that will guide her and help her better resist pressure from others to be and behave in ways that aren’t authentic to her.
Teaching Your Child to Set & Defend His Boundaries
Boundaries are the invisible line we allow people to cross—or not—in our physical and emotional space.
Your Child is the Boss of His Body
Your child needs to know that his body is his and his alone and that no one has the right to touch it in an inappropriate way that’s hurtful or makes him feel violated—not you, not anyone. When you teach him about boundaries, also talk with him about this.
‘No’ is a Complete Sentence
Every parent dreads running in the “no” wall with their child, but if you teach her when and how to say it, you’re giving her the most important tool to keep predators at bay.
Safe Touch vs Unsafe Touch
Because your child is so innocent and still learning about the world, she has no clue what safe and unsafe touches are, so spell it out for her:
How to Protect Your Child From Abduction Attempts
There’s a LOT you can do to keep your child safe from kidnappers. Here are some practical things you can teach him to lessen the chance that he’ll be approached by a potential kidnapper:
Ploys Kidnappers Use to Lure Children
Here are the most commonly used verbal lures predators use to coerce children, according to a variety of resources I found on the Internet, including KidGuard.com:
What to Teach Your Child about Digital Dangers
The “www” in the World Wide Web could just as easily stand for “wild, wild west!” It’s a whole different game online and predators run amok with no oversight and often no consequences. Here are some tips to teach your child to help him be savvier when he’s online.