Unleashing Your Kid’s Inner ‘Taz’

Showing your child how to fight like a rabid Tasmanian Devil can literally save her life if someone tries to pick her up or touch her inappropriately. By yelling, kicking, hitting, squirming, and even biting the offender, she may convince him to leave her alone and run.

After you’ve read through my “Inner Taz” techniques in Badass Parenting, make your child show you how she would fight and yell, using a pillow or couch cushion she can hit and kick. Gently correct her form or encourage her to yell more loudly as needed to help her get it down pat. Make it fun! If your child is into superheroes, she already knows how to fight imaginary bad guys, so channel that imagination to help her learn this important lesson.

If you want your child to take martial arts to help her learn discipline and some self-defense moves, great! Keep her in the program until she becomes proficient. And teach her my Taz moves as well because they just might save her life one day.

Be the parent your child deserves!


the Badass Grandma

About Badass Parenting

In Badass Parenting: Prepare Your Kids to Deal with Danger without Scaring the Hell out of Them, danger expert CJ Scarlet helps parents teach their children how to avoid and handle themselves in scary situations ranging from bullying and digital dangers to sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and kidnapping.

After reading this book, you’ll feel more knowledgeable and confident in your ability to talk candidly with your child at her age and maturity level without scaring her to death. It’s time to ditch the worry and get some sleep!

Edgy, funny, and irreverent, this unputdownable book (with TONS of downloadable bonus content!) is the new bible for parents looking to raise safe, savvy, confident kids.

“Finally, a book about parenting that doesn’t scare the crap out of you!!!! We live in one of the safest times to be alive, and yet, most of us are terrified. Parents – especially so. It is refreshing to have a book that realistically looks at the real dangers our kids face and help us – (a) not freak out, (b) figure out how to help our kids deal with the risks without traumatizing them, and (c) does so while making us laugh!  A trifecta. I honestly wish CJ Scarlet’s book existed when my son was younger. I would have handed it out to every freaked-out parent I met at every mommy and me playdate I went to. Parenting is hard enough; we don’t need to generate extra unnecessary hysteria. This book will help you realistically face the dangers of parenting (real or imagined) with love and humor. Thank you, CJ!”

Jennifer Hancock, author of The Bully Vaccine


How to Teach Your Child about Body Safety Issues